Thursday, February 5, 2009

Arriving at Sangkhla Buri-3 Pagoda pass

the bright side.. a beautiful tree with flowers only to ease my tired eyes..
even more disappointing..
lunch break with some disappoinment..
... guess this is the furthers I could go..
Knocking on the window of this 'container' office which says, immigration... a dark looking guy pops up with puffy eyes.. (as though still in his sleep..) shows up at the window.. I asked, with my passport in my hand.. 'cross here'..?? NO NO.. CLOSE.. Being ignorant I asked, "what time open..?".. He siad.."NO, NO open" ... Oops.. I asked, WHEN, WHY..?? He answered adamantly, POLITIK NO OPEN.. Ok, I guess thats all I'm asking, not wanting to push this sleepy guy..
boarder crossing....
this Myanmar girl trying to sell me orchid, showing me (from her book) how it looks like when it blooms..
... gift shop... notice lots of gems, Burmese ruby, jade.. etc etc
... rows of these little make-do shades selling wild orchid..
This place is much mentioned as the 415km track once run into Myanmar right here. Being the most important route for supply chain to the Japs for materials, commodities, human, etc etc frm S'pore, Malaysia and Thailand.. the British dismantle the section of the rail here when the track was surrendered to then in 1945.
WHAT..? Just this 3 little pagodas..? well ok.. I'm set for it anyway.. the journey being more important then the destination.. Looking around this quiet, sleepy Myanmar boarder, I first look for a comfortable place to park.. One look, 180 degrees turn of your head, you have seen all.. i think so..


  1. Be careful of immitation, so called jewels in Burma. We bought some colored stones (which was said to be gem stones) along the beach, once in Pattaya.
    Enjoy the rest of your adventure.

  2. Ya, pretty flowers to gaze at. Indeed,he bought stones back thinking it's cheap jewels as they demonstated to convince us by hammering the so called jewels with a hammer & it does not shattered. So got tipu lah...ha ha.

  3. well, i won't be buying anything this trip..
